One Size Does Not Fit All
A contact lens prescription is more than just numbers on a pad of paper to bring vision to 20/20. Believe it or not, the contact lens brand (or manufacturer) prescribed by the doctor following a comprehensive eye exam matters for patient health and safety.
Understanding Your Prescription
Following an eye exam and contact lens fitting, the eye doctor gives the patient a copy of the contact lens prescription which includes more than what it takes to sharpen vision to 20/20.
Contact lenses
Millions of people wear contact lenses and purchase them through a variety of retail channels with minimal risk – but the reality is these are not everyday consumer products. Contact lenses are complex medical devices that interact directly with the surface of the eye, and it is essential to understand them and how they impact eye health.
Are Contact Lenses Interchangeable?
What’s in a Lens?
Consumer Satisfaction in the Contact Lens Marketplace